Year: 2022
Client: Engineer at Aviation Industry
Service: Business Storytelling Coach
Showing Leadership Through Communication
My client is an ambitious and determined senior engineer in the Aviation Industry at a crucial crossroads of her career. An important performance review will determine if she can access higher positions within her company. Her brief: “Prove to the assessors that I am a strong leader and a great fit within the company culture.”
From Content, to Story to Delivery
My client and I focused first on the contents of her communication. We delved into her company’s culture and explored her leadership style. We then researched the storytelling structures that would best support a self-introduction that would allow her to shine as a person, a leader, and an engineer.
The obstacle we found along the way was humility. Talking about success is not as easy as revealing weaknesses and failures. Through coaching, we could transform this hesitation into a desire to communicate values and accomplishments clearly.
Finally, we started rehearsing the whole self-presentation, including the Q&A, in a safe environment.
The Result: A New Career Step Unlocked
With each session, my client was steadily progressing and integrating the feedback we developed into her self-presentation. Our appointments became a celebration of what it means to be a strong woman in engineering working in a foreign country.
I enjoyed every second of my work with such a hardworking, committed individual with a refined way of thinking. Most importantly, my client aced the review and moved to the new senior leadership position. Another step in her career. Surely not the last one.
The final result of our work together is best summarized by my client herself:
“When I was preparing for my very important leadership assessment, I wanted someone who could look into my life and career journey with fresh eyes and help me create an impressive storyline out of it. Not just that, but also to coach me to become a confident speaker for the leadership assessment and many more conferences to follow.
Matteo helped me with exactly what I wanted, and I built a TED-style speech under Matteo’s guidance; the result was everyone who listened to it left with a great impression of my journey and my leadership potential.
After a month I was selected for a senior leadership role which I will start in a couple of months. Matteo has been a key person in this journey, shaping my communication style, which is crucial for any leader. Thank you, Matteo!”
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