240515 Freelance Unlocked Day 1 MidRes 463

Keynote Topics

The power of discomfort

How to lead between chaos and conflict

Leadership Performance

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Chaos and conflict are inevitable parts of running a business. What if you actively chased them rather than shy away from them?

This keynote challenges you to reframe your perspective on discomfort. Discover how actively seeking out chaos and conflict can become your greatest leadership asset. Learn why there’s no such thing as a polite troublemaker and how to balance empathy with the courage to ruffle feathers when changing the world.

Drawing from thousands of hours of coaching, we’ll explore cultivating a winning mindset built on unshakeable confidence, deep empathy, and radical openness. Matteo has experienced these topics firsthand. He’ll explore how his clients feel when they confront their most intimate fears, how falling in love with chaos is the only driver of success, and how he adopted his radically open attitude toward his personal and professional life.

Talk 1 The Power of Discomfort v3
Sketchnote by Sam Carpenter

This keynote isn’t just about surviving turbulent times — it’s about thriving in them and leading others to do the same.

Prepare to embrace discomfort, ignite transformation, and unlock your full potential as a leader who doesn’t just navigate change but actively creates it.


Watch a similar talk I delivered to an audience of freelance professionals in Berlin.

Angela Violino

“The talk was easy to listen to, with a perfectly clear flow of discussion. What stands out most is the lasting impact: the audience leaves with a seed planted in their minds.”

Angela Violino

Brand Communication Designer, Doodle

Confidence Unleashed

Leaders look for confidence in all the wrong places, let’s fix that

Leadership Confidence

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Why do we look for confidence in all the wrong places? Why do we focus on what to say rather than why and how we say it? Why do we shy away from self-promotion opportunities? 

I want to explore all the wrong and right ways to find our confidence and then share what I have learned coaching thousands of executives.

What executives call confidence is often just the experience that comes from being exposed to challenges day in and day out. That’s not real confidence. There is a more powerful well of confidence that doesn’t just train you to handle emergencies, it fortifies you to thrive in them.

Deep confidence goes beyond surface-level displays of assertiveness or charisma. It’s an inner strength that allows leaders to navigate uncertainty, embrace vulnerability, and inspire others through authentic connections.  

Talk 2 Confidence Unleashed v3

Matteo has looked deeply into the eyes of thousands of executives and founders to discover a simple truth: confidence is not a character trait. It can’t show up on a psychological profile. It has a whole different origin.

Confidence is a powerful tool that can elevate even the most seasoned executives. Let’s harness that power together and ensure you shine brightly in all your endeavors.


Watch a similar talk I delivered to an audience of freelance professionals in Berlin.


“Your talk got a ton of adrenaline in the audience, as I was buzzing afterwards! You killed it on stage 👏💪 Absolutely loved the concept of living in a myth with all its related Lingo. Will start creating my myth too for me and my clients!”

Grazia Ravelli

Mindset & Performance Coach

Storytelling is not what you think it is

Storytelling is not about stories. It’s the operating system of human connection

Storytelling Marketing

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Storytelling is not about stories. It’s about how you say things.  

A great storyteller will grab your attention when they start speaking… even if they don’t start with a story.  

When they stop speaking, everything will be clear to you… even if they haven’t told any story.  

They are great storytellers because they use storytelling principles to sequence the information correctly. What goes first, what goes last.  

A great storyteller will give the audience a novel problem to chew on. They just elevated the stakes. They used an issue, a conflict, or a dilemma to introduce a new topic. Once the stakes are high, the audience will all be invested in the solution that will undoubtedly come later in their speech.

3 Storytelling v8

Storytelling is also about telling personal stories, anecdotes, and case studies when necessary.  

But storytelling is more about knowing when you must elevate the stakes, where to take the audience next, and when the audience has had enough.

Matteo has studied the art & science of storytelling for the past two decades, has been a story analyst for Warner Bros., and has launched Netflix in Italy. His understanding of this complex, nuanced topic is tempered by holding seminars, workshops and masterclasses for thousands of professionals. 

The purpose of storytelling is not to create grand narratives but to craft whole mythologies. What does that mean? You’ll have to come to the keynote to understand.


Watch a full length masterclass I delivered to an audience of startup entrepreneurs in Berlin.


“The biggest takeaway? Where do I even start 😅 Your speech was very powerful and it was exactly what I needed to hear to keep pushing! Thanks for that!”

Norman Schütt

Software Engineer

From mal-AI-se to ren-AI-ssance

Discovering purpose when AI has all the answers

AI Mindset Leadership

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In 2034, we have intelligent robots and pervasive AI, and we’re paid not to work. Yet, amidst this technological utopia, a crisis of purpose looms. When AI has all the answers, what’s our role as humans? The mal-AI-se ahead might not just be caused by a loss of jobs but of meaning.

This keynote will guide you through the journey to ren-AI-ssance, exploring how what makes us different, unique, and flawed – what makes us human – can be our greatest strength.

In this fictional 2034 scenario, discover how a select group of individuals survive and thrive in this new reality. What do they know that others don’t?

Talk 4 AI v3

Join us to bridge today’s uncertainties and 2034’s human ren-AI-issance. Learn how to embrace your flaws, celebrate your uniqueness, and lead with the heart in a world where perfection is automated.

This keynote is delivered by a seasoned innovator with three decades of experience navigating technological revolutions, from the dawn of the internet to today’s AI boom, always with an eye on what makes us irreplaceably human.