TEDxBerlin City 2.0: we need cities, our cities need us
href=”https://matteoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/TedxBerlin-City2.0-logo.png”> There is much that our cities, the spaces we share and we live in are still not doing. But a lot of work is being…
It’s time to stop giving away our reputation
href=”https://matteoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/data-algorithms-reputation.png”> Why does a parent fear what a teenager could share on social networks and what long term consequences this could lead to in her adult…
Italian stories, Berlin style
ries. This has been the focus of the latest meetup of DigItaly Berlin, the diverse group of Italian people involved in startups in Berlin. Alessandro, Manuela…
Doodling the demos at Battle Hack Berlin
rame src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/H6FTbpYWgRA” width=”853″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”> Battle Hack from PayPal looks like a very promising open innovation initiative: the idea is to integrate the PayPal payment…
Data is making us liquid
rame src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/FK2AGnZYbno” width=”853″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”> John Battelle, one of the founders of Wired magazine, currently busy at both Federated Media and OpenCo, took the stage at LeWeb London…
All the demos of EyeEm’s Photo Hackday in Berlin in one big doodle
e turnout (100+ hackers/designers) and great ideas came out of the Photo Hack Day event organized by EyeEM in partnership with Photolia and Google in Berlin. The dark…
We are approaching a moment of superdensity and I feel fine
href=”https://matteoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Next13_AnabJain.047.png”> Anab Jain clearly delivers an innovative, disturbing vision in her talk “Design for the new normal”. It’s a vision non dissimilar from the positivist view of singularitarians,…
Even assholes teach good lessons: why I’m migrating all my hosting and domains from godaddy
er about 36 hours of downtime the OUT AS YOU website is back online. It’s been a cloud failure, but not a merely technical one to bring…
Chiaro, semplice, accessibile a tutti: Il Disegno della Crescita di Mario Ciaccia
rong>UPDATE 4.12: Il Disegno della Crescita adesso è in versione popup. Ancora più trasparente nel rivelare le fonti, ancora più chiaro nell’approfondire gli argomenti, ancora più…
Campus Party 2012 wrapup in the form of my sketchy notes + OUT AS YOU preview #CPEurope @campuspartyeu
e spent the last 4 days in a messy, beautiful and noisy Tempelhof where 10.000 geeks and geekettes convened for Campus Party Berlin 2012. With no…
#TEDxBerlin Thinking Change in the strange form of my doodle
xBerlin – Thinking Change was held on the 22nd of June in Google’s fancy new offices in Mitte. Here are my notes from the day in…
My WordPress blog is ready to become smarter, how about yours?
g class=”aligncenter” title=”WordLift Launches In Beta, Aims To Be Your WordPress Semantic Plugin of Choice” src=”http://wordlift.insideout.io/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/IMG_20120613_124325.jpg” alt=”” width=”1280″ height=”960″ /> I just joined a new terrific…
An idea worth sharing: Radical Openness
style=”text-align: right;”>Don’t say yes. Be Yes. Anne Herbert A few nights ago two smart women confirmed a principle that I hold seriously dear. The same night…
The inalienable rights of media users and the 4 laws of computing
rong>A short piece about why it is so important to win the battle of copyright, what is the war on general purpose computing, what would Pennac…
In fuga dall’Italia: una startup negli USA, una vita a Berlino
href=”https://matteoc.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/IMG_21082.jpg”>Qualche settimana fa ho condiviso le sintetiche conclusioni di un viaggio nell’innovazione americana. Il viaggio finiva con un ritorno in Europa, ma non in Italia. Davide…
Cara America, ti amo, ma preferisco innovare in Europa
style=”text-align: center;”>Un viaggio nella cultura dell’innovazione. New York. Aprile 2011. Sul volo di ritorno dopo un mese e mezzo denso di fortunati incontri e di straordinarie…