Campus Party 2012 wrapup in the form of my sketchy notes + OUT AS YOU preview #CPEurope @campuspartyeu

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I’ve spent the last 4 days in a messy, beautiful and noisy Tempelhof where 10.000 geeks and geekettes convened for Campus Party Berlin 2012.

With no expectation of being exhaustive and no pretention of being objective here are my notes in the form of rough sketches (aka my personal style of infographics).

Campus Party Berlin 2012 Sketchpad
Click on the image to view a high resolution version

Some really important stuff happened at Campus for my latest project OUT AS YOU.

I will be working on the video and a more extensive introduction in the next few days, in the meantime please find below the slides. Be sure to also check out our beta website.

OUT AS YOU in 5 minutes from Matteo Cassese